Worship at St James

Sunday Worship

We have two services each Sunday

9.30am Parish Eucharist

This is a traditional service of readings, prayers and preaching. Babies, children and young people are always welcome at our services. Refreshments are served after the service

11am - Active Church for Everyone

Our 11am service is more relaxed and informal. Alongside bible readings and songs there is a chance to talk to each other and express and develop your faith through creative and practical activities and prayers. The service is suitable for all ages and is especially accessible for those new to church. Services last approx 45 - 60 mins. Come along early at 10.30am for refreshments before the service.

Find out about our Lent and Easter Services and Events.

Easter 2025

Home Group

A home group meets on Thursday evenings

Contact us info@stjameschurch.info if you would like to come along.

the worship area at St James

Weddings, Baptisms and Funeral

To book Weddings, Baptisms, or Funerals at St James please contact the curate, Rebecca by email revrebeccalloyd@outlook.com You will normally be asked to come along to one of our Sunday morning services to book a baptism, wedding or to have your banns read.

Daily Prayer

Daily prayer happens around the different churches in the team. Each session starts promptly and lasts for approximately 30 mins. All are welcome.

  • Monday 9:00 am St Paul’s Facebook page
  • Wednesday 10:00 am Holy Communion at St Mary’s
  • Thursday 10:30 am St Paul’s, in church
  • Friday 9:00 am St Philip’s Facebook page


At the 9.30am service the music is usually traditional style hymns accompanied by the organ.

At 11am, the music is generally more modern hymns and choruses, accompanied by keyboard and guitar.